
Are Replacement Windows Smaller than Original?

California Replacement Windows

Are planning to replace the windows in your California home? There might be a lot of things running through your head. You might wonder what frame to use and the material is best. Should the replacement windows be smaller than the original? If you’re not sure, you can consult our California replacement windows expert. 

Full-Frame California Replacement Windows

This type of window requires the removal of the existing windows. It means that it needs to take out each element of your window, from the mainframe to the trim to the siding. This option works like constructing a new window. In this case, the replacement window can be smaller or larger than the original. 

But is this the right option for you? It depends on your preference. You might want to change the shape of your window or simply want to change your existing windows. And if you notice any rot in the frame or casing, then a full-frame replacement is necessary. 

California Replacement Windows

What are the Benefits of Choosing a Full-Frame Replacement 

There are plenty of them. For one, it can help you achieve a perfect fit. It also boosts the efficiency of your window. Plus, it adds insulation around the edge of the opening. Most of all, the windows will have a whole new look. 

However, this option is a bit expensive. Furthermore, removing and installing the window can be time-consuming. It can take a few days to weeks to complete the project. 

Insert Window 

This one involves replacing a new window unit with an existing frame. Before the new window is inserted, though, the existing jamb liners and sashes must be removed. The new unit will be inserted into the frame of the opening. Thus, the overall glass surface of the new unit will be smaller than the original. However, this option needs proper inspection of the window. You need to make sure that there’s no rot in the frame. Furthermore, the replacement window has to be the same shape, size, and style as the old one. 

However, an insert window is a better option if you’re tight on a budget because it’s less expensive than a full-frame replacement. The installation is also quicker. It can last for a day or so. Furthermore, the old frame and trim will be intact. 

But you can’t change the shape of the existing window space. You also can’t add insulation or sill water protection. Thus, if you’re looking forward to these features, you might want to choose a full-frame replacement. 

Which Option is Ideal? 

To determine which one is the better option is to ask yourself whether or not you’re happy with the current style of your windows. You should also consider your budget and how long you can wait before your windows can be replaced. Plus, you need to take into account the price difference between the two options. 

That’s why it’s a good idea to consult an expert in California replacement windows. A specialist can guide you in choosing the right option and answer all of your questions regarding the type of replacement windows for your budget and needs. Contact us today for consultation: (800) 639-9463. 

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