
Keep Your Utility Bills In Control

With summer starting off with triple digit heat, you might be thinking about upgrading your air conditioner, bringing in a swamp cooler, or taking other measures to cut the heat in your home. KTLA noted that over Father’s Day Weekend that temperatures not only blew past 100F, but past 120 in some areas. Your home could be leaking cold air and overheating because you have older doors and windows. You could also be overheating from looking at the bill from LADWP or Cal Edison and leaking cool green from your wallet.

Burn, Baby, Burn!

According to Energy.gov, you could be losing big $$$ every year not having energy efficient windows, and doors. No matter how efficient your window or central air conditioning units are, if you have insufficient weather stripping, you might as well spend the summer in your garage. That expensive cold air can leak out of a lot of different areas. One of the principal culprits is your exterior doors – front door, side door, and your patio doors. On a really hot day, you can stand next to older doors and feel them throwing off heat like a radiator. Door installation is your best bet for starting to get a grip on your expenses.

Get Comfy and Stay Cool

Check out doors that are energy efficient, and consider replacing those patio sliders with French doors that have a better seal. Glass is a very poor insulator, so there are some options you may want to consider for your door replacement.

    • Low E Glass: Low E glass is glass treated with a coating that inhibits the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light passing through the class without affecting the glass’ transmission of visible light.


  • Gas Fill: The space between the glass in dual pane windows is often filled with Argon gas, which is colorless, odorless, and nontoxic.

New windows update the look of your home and give you a cooler interior and a better bank balance at the same time. You can replace doors and windows, Coating and garage doors, and take other measures to make your home much more energy efficient year round. Contact California Deluxe Windows at 800-639-9463 for more details.

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