
How Long Should House Windows Last?

Custom Window Company Palos Verdes

Installing new home windows can improve the efficiency of your house. But how long will they even last? How can you guarantee that they improve your house’s energy efficiency and boost your cost savings? You may ask our custom window company in Palos Verdes about the benefits of installing vinyl windows constructed with solid UPVC vinyl extrusions. 

Custom Window Company in Palos Verdes: How Long will Custom Windows Last? 

New quality windows should last 20 years. They can even go further than two decades. However, many homeowners would choose to replace their windows after a decade even though the windows are not damaged. They simply want to change the look of their interior. 

What are the Signs That You Need to Replace Your Custom Windows? 

Some homeowners, though, only want to invest in new windows because of these signs: 

  • Cracked window pane. A broken or damaged window sash should be replaced immediately. It is not only unattractive but it also compromises the efficiency of your home. Furthermore, the cracks can let harmful insects inside. 
  • Fogged glass. If you have double-paned windows, the glass could get foggy. Condensation could get trapped between the panes because of a hole or an opening that you can’t notice. Once you see the glass starting to fog, consider replacing the windows immediately. 
  • Drafty rooms. Having well-functioning windows won’t let air inside the house. However, if there are cold drafts that get into your home, even after weatherstripping them, then it is a sure sign you need new windows installed. 
  • High electricity bills. A huge portion of household costs go toward heating and cooling your house. If your energy consumption suddenly goes up, one of the problems you need to consider is the window. Drafty windows can result in high energy bills. But if you replace your old windows, you can get rid of the draft and enjoy great savings every month. 

When to Replace or Repair Your Windows? 

It is not always necessary to replace your windows. Sometimes, a small fix can do it all. However, if your energy cost is going through the ceiling every month, then it is time to replace them. 

On the other hand, you can make your windows last long by choosing to replace them with custom vinyl windows made by a reputable company. CD Windows features attractive bevel-faced frames. The company also offers the best warranty in the industry. The vinyl extrusions are covered by its full lifetime warranty while the color and other parts are covered for 10 years. The glass has a lifetime guarantee against failure. 

Custom Window Company Palos Verdes

Why Choose Custom Vinyl Windows? 

There are plenty of reasons you would want to replace your old windows with custom vinyl windows. For one, these windows are maintenance-free. It means that you don’t have to repaint them after a few years. They also don’t swell and they are impervious to termites. If you wish to know more about the benefits of using custom vinyl windows, please contact our custom window company in Palos Verdes by dialing: (866) 460-5444.

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