
Should I Replace A 20-Year-Old Window?

Custom Window Company in Malibu

You don’t necessarily need to replace old windows. However, if they are drafty and they are causing your energy bills to skyrocket, then it is time for you to contact a custom window company in Malibu to replace the windows with more energy-efficient options. Furthermore, replacing your old windows will help you get a 74% ROI. 

Hiring a Custom Window Company in Malibu to Get New Windows 

Many homeowners in Malibu would choose to go to a home improvement retailer to find windows that would fit their houses. Unfortunately, these windows may not fit in the frame. As a result, they can cause breezes, which can still lead to higher energy bills. If you wish to have energy-efficient windows, then make sure to only choose custom windows. 

When is the Best Time to Get New Windows? 

Age of the Windows 

If they are older than 20 years old, then you should consider replacing them. New windows will bring your home up to date with the latest window technology. Even though the old windows are dual-pane, they may still not be energy efficient. Keep in mind that energy-efficient windows only started in 1992. Thus, if the windows are older than that, then it is time for you to replace them. 

Windows are Stuck 

When you open the windows, do they stick? If they do, then it indicates that you need a new set of windows. Furthermore, if your windows are made of aluminum, look for swelling or rotting. If you see signs of swelling, then replace them as soon as possible. Swelling occurs when the temperature changes. 

Issue of Safety 

If your windows don’t open, then it is an issue of safety. How? Your windows can be your exit point. And if they are your only exit point during a fire, you may never make it. Keep in mind though that this issue may only require repair. You don’t necessarily need to replace them. That’s why you need to have them checked by a professional to help you determine whether or not you need to replace them or simply repair the windows. 


Windows can help with your home’s ventilation. If your house is hot when you close your windows, then you need to replace them ASAP. Older windows, especially if they are made in the 80s, don’t have the most efficient insulation technology. With newer window insulation technology, it can keep the heat out when the sun shines on them. If you can’t open them, you may not get proper airflow to your house. 

Damaged Windows 

If you see visible damage to your windows, then you need to replace them ASAP. The consequences of not replacing your damaged windows are not always obvious. But they can greatly affect your home in various ways. They reduce your home’s energy efficiency. 

Custom Window Company in Malibu

Don’t Delay

Now that you know when is the best time to replace your windows, it is time to contact our experts at a custom window company in Malibu. Contact us here to get a free in-home consultation: (866) 460-5444.

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